Transport Sector Primed for the Growth of Electric Vehicles

Transport Sector Primed for the Growth of Electric Vehicles
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"When it comes to reducing the greenhouse gas emissions, the electricity sector gets much of the attention, considering that it is responsible for 29% of those releases.
But the transportation sector makes up 26% of them.
If that is going to change, the electric car will have to make significant inroads.
Is that possible? As for those stats, that’s the US Environmental Protection Agency speaking, which also says that industry is responsible for 21% of greenhouse gas emissions while commercial and residential users comprise 12%.
Meantime, the agricultural sector makes up 9%.
The electricity sector is having success because of the switch from coal-to-gas.
And industry is committed to such reductions because that is what their customers want, forcing them to track their releases and find new ways to cut them. One method that companies could use to have an impact is to buy into the electric car.
While the automotive sector has been a slow mover, things could change if industry gets involved.

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